
What should you do and don’t do while in consultation with a psychiatrist?

October 29, 2021


According to the psychiatrist in Ludhiana, “Some people are of the view that the initial meeting with a psychiatrist can be stressful, but it is not so. In case, you still do not want to take any risk of being stressed, then you can go prepared.”

If you do not know, how should you be prepared before visiting a counselling center in Ludhiana, then do not worry, since our today’s blog is only for you:

What does being prepared mean?

By being prepared, we do mean coming up with the full medical and psychiatric history. Apart from that, there are several other things that you need to consider when it comes to preparing for the initial consultation.

Do not forget to bring these things:

Since you are going to be asked about your medical history, you must be having all the following:

  • The prescription of the medications which you used to take

  • All the psychiatric medications which you have taken till the time

  • Which conditions were they diagnosed with and got treatment for the same

  • Major Concerns about medical history.

Are you prepared to answer the questions?

When you will visit the psychiatrist, then be ready, since you will be asked the following questions:

  • Hey, What brings you to us?’

  • How can we help you?’

  • How are you doing?’

Since these are open-ended questions, you may feel either nervous or confused about how you should be asking such questions. To answer the question, you just need to keep a single thing in mind –

When you have visited for psychiatric help, then you can say anything since it is the psychiatrist that never judges your personality based on the replies to their questions. From your words, he will try to figure out what is bothering you?’

Do not feel guilty if you cried in front of him

When you are there for psychiatric help, then he is the one who will ask you various questions. The replies to such questions may make you cry. If you cry, then do not feel guilty. Let the flood of your emotions come in front of the psychiatrist so that he could get to the root cause of the problem and try to treat it accordingly.

Do not try being dishonest with the psychiatrist

No person’s life is perfect. We always have to bear the cases which are done by us or the ones near to us. But such is life and you have to live it beautifully. To discuss your issue, you first of all need to have acceptance. No matter whether it was your fault or not, do not hide anything from your psychiatrist if you want to get healed properly.

Work in collaboration

You can only feel better if both you and the psychiatrist work in collaboration to make the problem heal. Do not think that the whole responsibility of curing the problem is of the psychiatrist. No, it is not.