
Situations which trigger suicidal thoughts

How to stay safe and get the best treatment for suicidal thoughts?

September 10, 2020


Are you having Suicidal thoughts?

Hopelessness may lead you to think about suicide. Some people think that life is not worth living anymore. People think that the only way to find relief is through suicide. But, it is important to keep in mind there are other options. Just make sure to seek help from the best psychiatrist in Ludhiana.

 Take a step back

  • Understand that suicidal thought are the results of treatable problems.
  • Understand there are other options instead of suicide, even though it might seem right.
  • Understanding hopelessness and depression can affect your thinking and reduce the ability to take the right step.

Nothing may seem right and you might feel better overnight. But, it is important to learn that this is the option to deal with the pain of the problems you are having.

Get help right away

If you think you or your loved ones can hurt themselves then you need to take the immediate step:

  • Call your mental health specialist.
  • Call a suicide hotline number
  • Reach out to a close friend or loved one.
  • Call your local emergency number.
  • Seek help from your doctor or other health care provider.
  • Contact a spiritual leader, minister, or someone else in your faith community.

Learn coping strategies

You should try to manage suicidal thoughts on your own. You need professional help and support from the loved ones to overcome suicidal thinking. Your mental health provider or doctor can help you to identify the coping methods which are tailored according to your needs. You should consider these coping methods with your loved ones.

You will be advised to not do things which you don’t like doing. You shouldn’t take the stress and get into your normal working routine slowly.

 Have a new plan for your life

You should work with your mental health provider and make a new plan for your life. You should learn to spot the warning signs so that you can put your plan to action. You make a list of activities which you should do. By doing so it will take away your mind from the negative thoughts.

You should get into enjoyable activities and call your supportive friends in need. You should write down the reason why life is valuable and what are the reasons you need to live. You can even write down your feelings as it is a great way for the psychiatrist to understand what you are feeling.

Look beyond thoughts of suicide

The suicidal thoughts can give you the feeling of hopelessness and the entire situation becomes difficult to manage. The emotions are empowering that it clouds the judgments and makes you believe that taking your own life is the only best choice.