
De-Addiction Center To Help Recover From Alcohol And Drug Abuse

September 9, 2022


We all know that addicts lose control over their harmful substance consumption leading to addiction. And that is how they get addicted. They start to lose a lot of things after getting addicted. From health to mental peace, there is no healthy component that uplifts their overall well-being. It creates havoc in a person’s personal, […]


The Evolution Of Drug Addiction Recovery With Modern Treatment

June 3, 2022


Humans have used the addictive psychoactive substance for a very long period of time, almost in ancient times. In fact, the priest also used them in religious ceremonies to attain the states of disassociating trance. The healers also used them for medical purposes, and their choice of drug was opium. Apart from that, there was […]

Which are the effective approaches to do away with Drug addiction?

September 2, 2021


If you observe any person in surroundings getting addicted to drugs, then its the high time that you should suggest that they visit a counselling centre in Ludhiana. Diagnosis According to the psychiatrists in Ludhiana, “When the patient is a drug addict, then the course of treatment begins with the thorough evaluation which includes the […]

What is heroin What are its harmful effects and it’s addiction treatment

What is heroin addiction?

May 26, 2021


What Is Heroin? Heroin is a drug that is extracted from a flower named opium poppy. It is mostly grown in Mexico, South America, and Asia. It is highly addictive and in many states, it is considered illegal. This is because excess consumption can affect the individual’s health. Heroin looks like a brown/white powder or […]

What are the various harmful effects of alcohol use and dependency

What are the various harmful effects of alcohol use and dependency?

May 20, 2021


If an individual is habitual of consuming some substance and he finds it difficult to live without it, then it can be termed as the addiction or substance use disorder. This disorder impacts the mood, behaviour and functioning of the brain. The addicted patients usually know the harmful effects of consuming something in abundance, but […]

What is problematic pornography use How does COVID-19 affect it

What is problematic pornography use? How does COVID-19 affect it?

May 18, 2021


In this Lockdown period, people are distressed with the loss of employment and the financial issues. To make them feel pleasant, either they are taking the help of the alcohol addiction or the pornography addiction. According to the researches, the number of people repeatedly visiting pornography sites are increasing. This is not a good condition […]

What is the role of psychiatric consultation in drug addiction treatment?

What is the role of psychiatric consultation in drug addiction treatment?

May 10, 2021


There are so many benefits of drug addiction counselling. According to the researches, counselling is deemed as the most effective solution for making the drug addict come out of the problem. Counselling can be tremendously helpful for the people who are badly addicted to the tugs in one way or the other. The psychiatrist in […]

How does the treatment at manas hospital help to get rid of addiction?

How does the treatment at manas hospital help to get rid of addiction?

May 4, 2021


Addiction to everything is bad. But if you are addicted to any of the drugs or alcohol, then the situation can worsen in the future. According to the psychiatrist in Ludhiana, “the time when an individual feels that he is stepping in the menace of drugs or alcohol, then immediately he should be contacting the […]

What are the signs of drug addictions? Why do people start using drugs?

What are the signs of drug addictions? Why do people start using drugs?

April 28, 2021


Addiction to drugs could be experienced in any individual. According to the psychiatrist in Ludhiana, “When the individual is unable to cope up with the difficult emotional situations, then they are prone to start the intake of the drugs.”In most cases, the drugs are prescribed by a doctor to get healed from the particular condition. […]

What are the top professional tips to overcome substance use disorder?

What are the top professional tips to overcome substance use disorder?

April 10, 2021


Developing drug addiction does not mean that you are weak. What takes more effort is to overcome the situation. To make the right choice you need to consult the best psychiatrist in Ludhiana. Drug abuse or taking prescription drugs can make a change in the brain and it makes it difficult to behave soberly. To […]