
सिज़ोफ्रेनिया होने के लक्षण कौन-से है ? जानिए कैसे करे उपचार

June 27, 2024


डिप्रेशन, बाइलोपर और चिंता जैसे शब्द तो आपने सुने ही होंगे लेकिन क्या आप यह जानते है की यह आपके मानसिक के साथ-साथ शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को कितना प्रभावित करते है | इन सभी स्थितियों को समझना बेहद ही आवश्यक होता है क्योंकि इससे आप बीमारी से होने वाले और गलतफहमी को कम करने में मदद […]

What is the definition of Schizophrenia?

What is the definition of Schizophrenia?

May 2, 2024


People have several mental conditions. The leading causes of all mental problems are stress, anxiety, overthinking and depression. In this contemporary era, individuals are troubled with issues because they are unsatisfied with everything they have. Schizophrenia is a critical mental condition. There are different reasons for this.    What is the definition of Schizophrenia?  Schizophrenia […]

Schizophrenia: Requires A Comprehensive Treatment

Schizophrenia Treatment: Need proper diagnosis and on-time evaluation

August 8, 2022


Schizophrenia Treatment Schizophrenia is a common mental disorder that affects thinking, acting, the ability to perceive things, and other things. A common mental illness can affect a person’s psychosis, making them think about things that are not true or real. And that’s why it’s essential to consult one of the known Psychiatrists in Punjab to […]


Learn About Schizophrenia, Its Common Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

July 12, 2022


With an increase in the discourses about common mental health issues and their awareness. It is natural to hear the word schizophrenia regarding a severe mental illness. However, it is very interesting to note various connotations which are generally attributed to the same condition.  It is a great relief to see that society is evolving […]