
10 Reasons Why You Should Meditate

10 Reasons Why You Should Meditate

June 19, 2024


Meditation is an ancient and simple activity that anyone can do. It’s about relaxing your mind and body. It is an act of mindfulness. It focuses on your mind by using a combination of mental and physical techniques. Its purpose is to achieve mental clarity and emotional stability. Doctors recommend meditation to reduce stress.  If […]

Prevention Methods To Irritability From Psychiatrists

Prevention Methods To Irritability From Psychiatrists

June 3, 2024


Countless people, from children to older people, are struggling with irritability. It is also known as anger. It can occur due to various causes, which include stress, depression, and anxiety and also other factors that contribute to irritability, such as lack of sleep, hormonal changes and more. It has symptoms like sweating, abnormal heartbeats, confusion, […]

Impact Of Good Friendship On Our Mental & Physical Health

Impact Of Good Friendship On Our Mental & Physical Health

May 21, 2024


For good mental health, it is important for people to build relationships with others. We are meant to live in harmony and, hence, are interdependent on one another. In this video, our expert, Dr Anshul Majan, explains the importance of friendship and how it is important for our mental and physical health.  He explains that […]

क्यों मेनोपॉज के वक़्त,अनिद्रा हो जाती है महिला ?आइए जानिए कैसे इसको ठीक कर सकते है।

April 22, 2024


मेनोपॉज शब्द दो शब्दों से बना है- जिसमें मेनो का अर्थ है ‘महीना’ और पॉज का अर्थ है ‘विराम’ मतलब महिलाओं में चलते हुए मासिक धर्म (पीरियड्स) का अंत होना जिस से ओवरी(अंडाशय) में हर महीने जारी होना अंडा बंद हो जाता है। इसका होना भी जरूरी होता है। कहते है ४० की आयु के […]

क्या कैथार्सिस तकनीक सफल है ?

कैथार्सिस तकनीक का क्या मतलब है और इसको कब इस्तेमाल किया जाता है ?

March 29, 2024


रेचन एक शक्तिशाली भावनात्मक रिहाई है, जो सफल होने पर, संज्ञानात्मक अंतर्दृष्टि और सकारात्मक परिवर्तन के साथ होती है। मनोविश्लेषणात्मक सिद्धांत के अनुसार, यह भावनात्मक मुक्ति अचेतन संघर्षों को दूर करने की आवश्यकता से जुड़ी है। उदाहरण के लिए, काम से संबंधित स्थिति पर तनाव का अनुभव करने से निराशा और तनाव की भावनाए पैदा […]

Things to consider before consulting a psychiatrist

Which things should you never forget to consider before meeting a psychiatrist?

March 27, 2024


According to the psychiatrist in Ludhiana, “Since I have stepped in the psychiatric career,  numerous patients have shared their experiences. Many of them expressed how difficult it was for them to approach a psychiatrist as the societal notions had filled his mind with fear.” Visiting the counselling centre in Punjab is not an easy and […]

Master Tips to Stop Your Brain from Procrastination

March 14, 2024


Learn the science of why people procrastinate and simple tips by a psychiatrist in Ludhiana to stop the habit of procrastination.    Procrastination is a frustrating habit that stops you from living your life happily. A procrastinator constantly thinks about past mistakes and is unable to seek opportunities in the present. A procrastinator is a […]

Early warning signs for mental risk

Understand mental health.

February 7, 2024


Nowadays, people are suffering from different health-related issues, including mental issues; there are several reasons that are responsible for mental problems. It is really important to maintain your mental health.    What is the definition of mental health?  Mental health is all about how people think, feel, and behave. Mental health specialists can help people […]

Availability of Sexologist in Ludhiana and Psychiatrist in Punjab

Availability of Sexologist in Ludhiana and Psychiatrist in Punjab

December 8, 2023


Who is a sexologist? Sexologist is a medical professional who studies human sexuality related problems and guides them to make the right decisions regarding their sexual decisions. Sexologists in Ludhiana provide education and sometimes counseling to their patients on the topics like sexual dysfunction, sexual infection etc and guide them to have a better sex […]

psychiatrist in Punjab

Parkinson’s disease: symptoms and causes

December 1, 2023


What is Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is a cognitive disorder that causes deterioration of several parts of the brain, resulting in severe disorders over a period. The condition causes slowed movement, involuntary shaking or quivering, balance and many other effects. Muscle control, movement, and balance are majorly affected by Parkinson’s disease; however, it can also […]