
Why Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Is Important and How a Psychiatrist Can Help Your Child

Why Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Is Important and How a Psychiatrist Can Help Your Child

January 1, 2024


Children and teenagers frequently go through behavioural and emotional changes as they mature. They may frequently deal with these problems with the aid of their school, family, and friends. However, there are times when these emotions linger and it is vital to seek a mental health professional’s assistance. A child and adolescent psychiatrist is one […]


जानिए बच्चों में चिंता और घबराहट के क्या है लक्षण, कारण और उपाय ?

June 23, 2023


बच्चों में घबराहट या बेचैनी तब होती है जब वो कही बाहर जाते है, या स्कूल में अलग अलग लोगों से मिलते है। वही बच्चो में इस तरह की समस्या उनके खुद के घर से ही शुरू होती है। इसलिए अगर आपके बच्चों में भी इसी तरह की समस्या है तो इससे बचाव के लिए […]

साइकैट्रिस्ट से जाने बच्चो को डिसिप्लिन में रखने का राज ?

बेस्ट साइकेट्रिस्ट की मदद से बच्चों ने कैसे सीखा अनुशाशन में रहना ?

May 2, 2023


आज के समय की अगर बात करे, तो बच्चो में अनुशाशन को लाना बहुत ही जरूरी है, नहीं तो आगे चल के काफी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ सकता है, उनको भी और हमे भी। साथ ही हम ये बात भी करेंगे की बच्चो में इसकी कमी क्यों आती है। क्या उनमे इस कमी को […]


What Is The Importance Of Child Psychology In All Aspects Of Growing?

September 22, 2022


As the child grows and develops, the process of getting to know them becomes cherishable as a parent. It is a whole new experience to learn how your child views the world and teach them new skills. It is also fascinating to mentor them as they process their feelings and the changes in their body. […]

Role Of A Child Psychologist

How important is it to consult a child psychologist in the present time?

August 22, 2022


Consult a child psychologist The term psychologist might scare some individuals because they are unaware of what they do and how they treat the problem. Thankfully, the time has changed, and people now understand how their treatment approach works. The assistance offered by the best Psychiatrists in Ludhiana is the pivotal factor in living a […]

Everything About Conflict Resolution For Kids

Conflict resolution for kids: How to build conflict resolution skills in a child?

August 16, 2022


How to build conflict resolution skills in a child? For a child, every day is a new experience. Some might be able to deal with the same, but some might not be able to analyze everything. And in all this preventing and dealing with conflict can be problematic. And that’s why the medical expertise of […]