
बच्चों का आईक्यू टेस्ट क्या है और स्वस्थ बच्चे का कितना आईक्यू लेवल होना चाइये?

जानें, बच्चों के आईक्यू टेस्ट पर कैसे निर्भर हैं पूरी ज़िन्दगी?

April 10, 2023


लुधियाना में आईक्यू टेस्ट के लिए बेस्ट साइकेट्रिस्ट का करें चुनाव! बच्चों के आईक्यू टेस्ट के लिए बेस्ट साइकेट्रिस्ट का करें चुनाव! मानस अस्पताल (लुधियाना):  ज़िन्दगी के पड़ाव में छोटे से लेकर बढ़े काम को करने के लिए आपको हर मोड़ पर एक अच्छे आईक्यू की जरूरत होती है, आपकी ज़िन्दगी में सही फैसले लेने […]

Don't Let Anxiety Control You

Time To Find The Best Psychiatrist For Your Mental and Emotional Health

November 8, 2022


How to choose a good and experienced psychiatrist? The golden rule is to find the right psychiatrist on time for your mental and emotional health. The earlier and more effectively you begin the search for the best Psychiatrists in Ludhiana, the better it’s your health. Doing it for the first time can seem challenging and […]


Why should you have an early warning sign system? How should you build it?

May 22, 2021


One of the usual scenarios during a psychiatrist appointment is that the patient tells the doctor how low and bad they feel about their life. The patient tells the doctor that they have trouble like: Not able to sleep on time Not able to enjoy the activities they love to do Cry over little things […]

What are the tips to have the best experience at psychiatric consultation?

What are the tips to have the best experience at psychiatric consultation?

April 26, 2021


Visiting the psychiatrist for the first time can ring in nervousness and anxiety. This issue is likely due to what we hear from others and how the image of the psychiatrist is being portrayed. Also, when you are doing something for the first time like visiting a psychiatrist in Ludhiana, it can lead to doubts […]

What is alcohol counseling? What is the role of an alcohol therapist?

What is alcohol counseling? What is the role of an alcohol therapist?

April 17, 2021


What is alcohol counseling? Alcohol counseling is beneficial to check the main reason behind alcoholism. You need to talk to the counselor or therapist as he will resolve the reason behind alcoholic abuse. All the negative patterns and behaviors are checked which triggers such behavior. Undergoing the alcohol counseling sessions will help you in the […]

know about the length of De-addiction

What do you need to know about the duration of De-addiction treatment and its working?

August 27, 2020


Introduction If you are facing addiction, seeking treatment can be intimidating. You might wonder about what your family and friends think and how much it is going to cost and the duration of the treatment. Consulting the best psychiatrist in Ludhiana is going to help you get the best treatment plan for your recovery. The […]