
What are the reasons behind mental illness? How is it treated at Manas hospital?

July 26, 2021


According to the best psychiatrists in Ludhiana, ‘It is highly important for a person to be having a very good mental health. A mentally sick person cannot contribute to the welfare of society and the community. So a person does not only need to be mentally healthy and sound just for himself but for the people around him or her as well.” The experts of the counselling centre in Ludhiana are of the view that 85% of the mentally sick people are involved in criminal cases.

Let’s discuss some important points about the mental health of the person.

Facts About The Mental Illness

  • The person who is mentally ill can not give his 100% even in the field of his interest.
  • The prolonged mental illness will eventually make the body of the person ill.
  • Mental illness may force you to do something unethical.
  • The mental sick individual gradually starts emerging as a threat to society.
  • Such people usually fear to visit a psychiatrist or other psychology experts.

First Steps For The Mentally Ill Person

If you have found the symptoms of the mental illness in the person close to you, then it is suggested that you should convince him to visit a psychiatrist.

The family should emerge as the biggest support system. Because 60% of the efforts are contributed by the emotional support in the rehabilitation of the mentally sick person.

Do you know?

The biological, socio-economic, genetic and environmental factors may emerge as the biggest causes of mental illness.

What Can Affect Your Mental State?

Usually, several factors can affect the mental state. The predominant of them are as mentioned below:

  • If someone very close to the person passes away, then it is a natural phenomenon that he may get stressed. But the excessive generation of stress hormones may make the mental state worse than ever before.
  • If the person is living in conditions, which he does not want to bear or he is finding it difficult to survive, then that individual may get depressed. The prolonged depressed stage will eventually lead you to take your mental state deteriorated.
  • If the person is stressed with financial difficulties and debt-like issues, then they may also suffer from mental illness.

How Common Is Mental Illness Among Children?

In today’s time, it has been found out that 4 out of the 10 children are suffering from one or another kind of mental illness which may vary depending upon the intensity and the aggravation. This is the main reason that WHO has become strict and has thus come out with strict regulations for the mentally sound state of the children.

How Do We Treat Mental Illness At Manas Hospital?

Our predominant focus is to restore the mental health capabilities by taking the following therapies into account:

Cognitive Therapy With this, our psychiatrist attempts to change your perspective and try to infuse positivity in the mentally ill person.
Behaviour Therapy The rewarding approach is being used for inculcating healthy and good habits.
Group Therapy The psychiatrist carries out the mental health sessions among the group of people who are suffering from the same mental disorders with the same intensity.
With this therapy, the doctor tries to make you think about the positive ways of why you acted in a certain manner in the past.

Book Your Consultation!

So if you are suffering from any kind of mental illness, please consider visiting the Manas hospital.