
What are the most effective ways which can help you to ease your anxiety?

September 8, 2021


The feeling of anxiety is normal to experience by anyone and everyone. Sometimes, we are in a certain situation that creates a feeling of anxiety which can be for minutes, days, or months. Although, in some situations, anxiety can be a serious situation and in that case, you need to consult experienced Psychiatrists in Ludhiana.

At Manas Hospital, our team of psychiatrists will give you the best treatment plan to improve your mental health. It is possible that when you try to get over your anxiety thinking that you need to take measures to prevent it, this can make your anxiety worse than ever. So, what’s the catch? You need to schedule your appointment at the best Counselling Centre in Ludhiana and understand what option can help you with your situation.

How to calm your anxiety?

Accept the situation that – You have anxiety

Well! You need to accept that you have anxiety which can occur occasionally. Understand that, when you fight with anxiety this is what makes it worse. You need to learn to deal with the situation. You have to take these measures:

  • Understand that you have anxiety

You need to tell yourself it is okay and no need to criticize yourself the way you feel. Bear in mind, it is a healthy and normal response of the body to deal with something difficult and stressful.

  • Anxiety can still make you function

Even during anxiety, you can still function properly. Remember the time you were dealing with anxiety but you still gave your best shot.

Steps to stop anxiety

We know, anxiety can make you feel overwhelmed but there are techniques to deal with the same and it will give you some relief. So, here’s what you have to do:

  • Is there something good that can go wrong?

  • Do I need to feel overwhelmed?

  • Out of 1 to 100, what are the chances that something wrong will happen?

Talk to someone whom you trust

No need to hide your anxious thoughts as this way you will make your situation worse. It is better that you talk to someone whom you trust and you won’t judge yourself with your feelings.

Additional tips

  • Stay calm and tell yourself that you are safe

  • Use of energy on something constructive

  • Go outside for 5 minutes and cleanse of your negative thoughts

  • Close your eyes and picture yourself somewhere you feel safe & happy

  • Take a deep breath slowly and several times

Should I get treatment for anxiety?

Sometimes, your anxiety can lead to a serious state when you need help. Medications and psychotherapy can help you with your anxiety problem. Here are some of the signs which tells that you need to consult a mental health expert at the earliest:

  • Frequent feeling of anxiety

  • Anxiety is not making you do your daily activities with ease

  • Anxiety won’t let you perform your social activities

  • Panic attacks

It is important that you get in touch with your mental health expert to understand better what way your situation can be controlled. Schedule your initial consultation with us to know what treatment plan will suit you the best.