
Substance Abuse Treatment

Psychiatrist Guide: Untying the knot of mental health and substance abuse

November 15, 2022


Mental health issues and substance abuse occurring at once?

No doubt, when two disorders occur together, it creates a stressful situation regarding what needs to be done. Going for dual diagnosis under the supervision of the best Psychiatrists in Ludhiana allows one to tell the most appropriate treatment plan to handle the situation. Well, here the concern is regarding mental health and substance abuse disorder that makes it extremely difficult for the person to handle the situation easily. But is it really that difficult, or can you do something about the same?

Co-occurring conditions affect overall health

If you have started going to the Deaddiction Centre In Ludhiana to manage your addiction problem, then there’s a possibility that in that time period, you can notice your mental health going down. With that, there’s an increased chance of having problems that trigger problems with overall health, and the person’s ability to do any task like normal won’t be possible.

If the substance abuse treatment is avoided or delayed, then it can make the situation even more difficult to deal with. It’s important to seek the psychiatrist’s assistance on time so that nothing goes out of hand.

Substance abuse or mental health problems: What comes first?

Whether it’s mental health issues or substance abuse, both are linked to one another. Additionally, there’s a high possibility that one condition does not relate to another directly, but over time, it can make the well-being adverse. Sometimes, it’s the advance and excess use of substance abuse that can make mental health issues like depression and anxiety adverse with time.

You should try to self-medicate yourself to deal with substance abuse as there’s a higher possibility that situations get difficult to deal with. There’s a high risk that the symptoms begin to get worse with time. So, it’s better that you don’t delay the situation.

What are the factors to point out a dual diagnosis?

Making a dual diagnosis is not that easy. It’s important that you take your time when you visit the psychiatrist. The symptoms of both mental health problems and substance abuse are different from one another. Therefore, your medical health expert will point out what’s the issue and accordingly highlight what next needs to be done. To recognize the problem, there are a few important points that you need to be mindful of like:

  • Have you started noticing changes in your relationship due to substance abuse?
  • Do you feel the urge to drink or use a toxic substance when you are sober?
  • Do you use drugs or alcohol to deal with unwanted feelings or memories? Do you feel like drinking to control the pain?
  • Is someone in your family going through a mental health disorder?

Tips to self-help for dual diagnosis

If you are going through the journey of dual diagnosis, then it’s important that you take some important actions like:

  • Try to manage your stress levels and how you feel
  • Connect with other
  • Include important lifestyle changes in your life