
Staying Emotionally Focussed during tough times

Staying Emotionally Focussed during tough times

May 8, 2020


Emotion-focused coping skills will help you process and work through painful or unwanted emotions. In other words, it helps you manage your emotions in a better way. Managing the emotional response is a great way to control the situation. In this guide, we are going to discuss in detail how to stay emotionally focused during tough times.

Given below are some of the topmost ways suggested by our psychiatrist to stay emotionally focused in a stressful situation:

  • Meditation

Meditation helps to acknowledge and sit with all the thoughts you have experienced, whether it is good or bad. The meditation helps to accept the thoughts. This is a great way to practice mindfulness and it won’t cost you anything. At first, it might be unhelpful but once your body gets used to it the entire process seems natural. If you meditate for a long time it will help your body to stay away from the stress.

If you are facing a problem and don’t know what needs to be done then you should consult the psychologist.

  • Journaling

Journaling is a great way to manage emotions. If something goes wrong, then you can experience conflicting and complicated feelings. You might feel exhausted with all these feelings and you might not be able to express them with words.

You should write down all your feelings whether it is complex or messy. You can write just for 5 minutes, no matter what comes to your mind.

  • Have a Positive thinking

Having positive thinking will improve emotional wellness. Well, positive thinking does not mean ignoring the problems but having a positive mindset will help you get through everything easily.

You should remind yourself that you can do anything, do positive self-talk, and focus on positive things. You need to practice for a bit to do these things with ease.

  • Try to forgive

It is easy to focus on things that are unfair or negative and you might do unkind things. Sometimes, we can’t do anything to lessen the hurt. No doubt, the damage is done and there is nothing to do, so it is best to move forward.

Try to forgive and it will make the healing process go faster. If you do so, it will reduce stress, greater empathy, stronger interpersonal relationships, and increased compassion.

  • Reframe the situation

When you reframe the situation, it helps you look at another perspective. With this, you can look at the bigger picture and take away your mind from all the unwanted details.

If you are struggling with your relationship then try to think it is because you are not able to spend enough time together or communicate with each other.

At times, there is nothing we can do about the situation. But, instead of getting bored or frustrated, you need to look at the bright side.