
Tips to save yourself from depression during self-isolation

Tips to save yourself from depression during self isolation

March 25, 2020


With the outbreak of COVID-19, everyone’s life has been impacted greatly. In that case, it becomes everyone should take proper care of them and their loved ones. This guide is going to enlighten you with the tips shared by our therapist to save yourself from getting depressed in this self-isolation.

Given below are the top tips shared by our therapist to save yourself from depression during self-isolation:

  • Contact with your loved ones on the video call

If you are staying in some other country and your loved ones in another, then you should do video calls. In this difficult time, when you look at your friends and family it will make things easy for you. It will be very comforting to talk with them and how they are dealing with this outbreak.

If you know someone dealing with depression then ask them to consult the doctor for depression therapy right away. Getting a timely depression treatment will help them to live a better quality of life.

  • Make sure to help others

With such difficult times, if you can support someone then you should. You need to do things which can help others to cope with this situation. Many people around you need help. You can check on your senior neighbors and drop some fresh food & drinks. If you have kids around your neighborhood then make them learn new things to deal with the boredom.

  • Do cleaning of your home and room

No doubt, you might be laying all day long in your pajamas. Instead of that, you should use this time wisely. Laying 24*7 is going to make you feel dull and depressed, so you should do some cleaning at your homes. Collect all the clutter which you might not be able to do because of your busy schedule.

  • Do something creative

You should use this time to explore your creativity level. If you love cooking or baking, do that. If you are staying with your friends and have a guitar then have a sing. Read books or do the crossword. When you keep yourself engaged with certain activities it helps to fight with depression.

  • Do not stop talking with everyone suddenly

This is one of the clear indications of getting depressed. You should spend some time in the day and contact your friends on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat on what they are doing. Talk with your parents and post pictures on social media.

  • Do not get into the habit of smoking or drinking

In this inescapable situation, it is quite easy for a few people to start drinking or smoking. But, you should not get into any type of bad company which you will regret later in life.

  • Follow an exercise regime

Exercise can be your best friend at this time. Keep yourself busy and stay healthy by following an exercise regime.