
Tips to stay sober in holidays

Tips to stay sober in holidays

May 14, 2020


People who are in recovery procedure to quit smoking and alcohol need to take proper care. During the holidays, you might have different events or parties to go through. At this time, you need to choose the place very carefully. Read the given guide to learn the tips to stay sober on holidays.

Given below are the some of the tips to stay sober in holidays:


  • Write the Recovery vocabulary


People who are in recovery who say “I have to stay strong”. But, in that case it means you are weak and you do not have to use these words which focus on value judgements. Instead of focusing on staying strong you should focus on today, stay in the present, or keep up with the goal of the recovery. Keep in mind it’s a health issue and you will get better.

If you are in doubt, what needs to be done, then you should visit our de-addiction centre to get the best treatment plan.


  • Connect with people who support you


During the recovery time, you should stay in link with people who support you. The holiday time can be a danger as you are free and have a bunch of holiday parties to attend. At these events, you might see other people drinking and enjoying their this time, you should have someone around you who supports you.

If you need help or someone is known then help them to get the best treatment course for de-addiction.


  • Make a list of events which does not include alcohol or drugs


During the recovery, it is best to go to parties and events which include non-drinking activities. It is best to take part in the baking and decorating the room. By doing so, this will help you stay positive and take off your mind to drink. It is best to enjoy the time in snow, talk to friends, and buy decorations.


  • Rethink what you need to do


You might have an office party or family dinner but you don’t feel like going. You might think that attending these functions will increase the urge to drink or smoke. Many times people think they need to attend these events which is not good for them. The reality is that you don’t have to take part if you don’t. It would be better if you explain your situation to them, why you don’t want to come.


  • Choose carefully where you want to do and how to exit


You need to have people around you who support you at this time. Moreover, you should choose the place where you want to go. Additionally, have your own vehicle so that you can feel any time you like.

For more information, on what to do and what treatment plan you need consult our doctor.