
tips by the psychiatrist to manage mental health during exams

What are the topmost tips by the psychiatrist to manage mental health during exams?

October 14, 2020


Exam stress and anxiety can affect your study pattern along with mental health. This can lead to sleeping and eating issues. If you are struggling through the same situation then read this blog for a better understanding of what to do. Here we have mentioned the helpful tips to manage mental health during exams. If you feel anxiety is taking a toll on your mental health then you need to consult the best psychiatrist in Ludhiana.


How to deal with exam anxiety?

Anxiety comes with different levels and not all of them are controlled in the same manner. The problem arises when the anxiety level increases and you are not able to deal with it.

Anxiety and exam stress can affect the studies and along with mental health by impacting the sleeping pattern and eating habits.


Rational anxiety

A student is dealing with rational anxiety when he does not study correctly. The problem arises because he or she is not following the right study techniques and habits for better concentration. So, make sure to work on it.


Irrational anxiety

The student has irrational anxiety when they study and does it correctly. But when the time comes to give the exam they get nervous and not give their best which they could have.

Such type of anxiety can occur due to many reasons. In some cases, it occurs when the student has dealt with some type of failure or some problematic situation in the exam.

If you are dealing with such a situation or know someone who is going through it then you should consult the psychiatrist for better understanding.


Negative feedback anticipation

In some cases, there is a situation when the student gets negative information regarding the exam of specific subjects, and this makes them anticipate they will have bad grades, and it makes them feel extremely nervous.


Negative self-perception

Another reason is that the student believes in his or her personality throughout their life. They think that if they succeed then only they are worth it. They give a lot of importance to failure which affects their mental health to a great extent. If your child is having such thoughts then you need to take them to the psychiatrist and they can help them to discard away negative thoughts from their mind.


What are the signs you have anxiety?

  • Symptoms that occur because of the physiological level can lead to increased body tension. This includes sweating, muscles, digestive discomfort, insomnia, and many more.
  • Then comes the cognitive level which is the anticipation of poor performance in the test and leads to low self-esteem
  • Then comes the motor level, which presents the signs of hypersensitivity and they can have the habit of excessive drinking and smoking. They cry all day long and try to escape from the exam time.