
स्ट्रेस को दूर करने के लिए 10 मिनट तक करें ये योगासन, जो करे डिप्रेशन को दूर और दिलाये बेचैनी से राहत

October 5, 2024


आज के दौर में दिनभर कामकाज करने की वजह से लोग अपने स्वास्थ्य का ठीक ढंग से ख्याल नहीं रख पाते है | जिस कारण उन्हें कई तरह की समस्या से गुजरना पड़ जाता है | मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को स्वस्थ बनाये रखने के लिए योगासान का अभ्यास सबसे अच्छा विकल्प होता है | जिन लोगों […]

Get rid of the stress – Write your thoughts and Think about a positive spin.

Get rid of the stress – Write your thoughts and Think about a positive spin.

August 27, 2024


Some so many people are finding ways about how they can get rid of the stress. So today we are going to tell you about the ways how psychiatrists in Ludhiana help their patients to get rid of the stress.    Write down your thoughts The psychiatrist tells their patients to write down the thoughts […]

Stress Management; important tips to handle it

Some Essential Tips That Can Help In the Management Of Your Stress

January 14, 2024


Stress is a new age normal in today’s era, even if it is the stress of relationships, work, career, studies, etc. Stress is any type of shift that causes strain physically, mentally, and psychologically. If you are impotent to manage your stress, then it is vital to go for Stress Management in Ludhiana. At times […]

अच्छे साइकेट्रिस्ट का कर चुनाव मानसिक रोग से पाए निजात

त्योहारों के दिनों में स्ट्रेस और एंग्जायटी, से दूर होने के लिए अपनाएं कुछ बेहतरीन टिप्स ?

November 14, 2023


उल्लास और खुशियों से भरा त्योहारी मौसम अपने साथ तनाव और चिंता भी लेकर आ सकता है। छुट्टियों की व्यस्त तैयारियों से लेकर पारिवारिक समारोहों तक, दबाव कभी-कभी उत्सवों की खुशी पर भारी पड़ सकता है। हालाँकि, डरो मत! सरल रणनीतियों को अपनाने से आपको आराम का उपहार पाने और वास्तव में उत्सव के दिनों […]

Your Helping Guide To Getting Relief From Stress

तनाव की समस्या और प्रकार जानकर हम कैसे इस समस्या से बाहर आ सकते है ?

October 10, 2023


आज की भागदौड़ भरी दुनिया में तनाव एक आम समस्या बनते जा रही है। इस समस्या को प्रभावी ढंग से संबोधित करने के लिए, पहले यह समझना महत्वपूर्ण है कि तनाव क्या है और यह कितने प्रकार के रूप में प्रकट हो सकता है। और क्या हम तनाव जैसी समस्या से बाहर आ सकते है […]

Important Tips To Manage Your Stress

7 Important Health Tips That Will Helps To Manage Your Stress Effectively

January 11, 2023


Stress has become an essential issue of concern nowadays; most people in this modern era cannot live their lives productively and happily due to stress. They have financial stress, work stress, relationship stress, career stress, and so on.  Too much stress is the invitation to several health disorders such as depression, high blood pressure and […]

How To Deal With Stress

What to do in order to stay away from problems like stress?

December 23, 2022


Nowadays, everyone is busy in their life and has to handle many responsibilities; hence they are not able to relax. It is becoming a prominent cause of stress which leads to further complications. People who are suffering from these problems can get in touch with Manas Hospital, as they are well-known for teaching Stress Management […]

Your Helping Guide To Getting Relief From Stress

What are the different useful ways to get rid of stress in your daily life?

September 20, 2022


Stress is a part of everyday life! Being a part of everyday life, does it mean it can wreck your emotional and physical well-being? That is not true at all. If stress has started affecting your everyday routine adversely, it’s important to get Stress Treatment in Ludhiana without delay. Stress is complicated and problematic in […]

Get rid of the stress through - Self-care, Meditation, Exercise & Music

Get rid of the stress through – Self-care, Meditation, Exercise & Music

March 26, 2021


Stress is the phase of your life which nobody wants to experience, but still, we invite this problem. Because none another individual than us can cause your mind to suffer from stress. It is accepted that sometimes the things which are becoming the cause of stress are not even worth being mentioned. According to a […]